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Assignment of duties of the Director of SSAP LLP to Denisov Alexander Stanislavovich

From January 28, 2023 (decision of the public Association of participants of SSAP LLP from February 22 this year), Deputy Director of production Alexandra Denisova was appointed director of SSAP LLP.
      Denisov Alexander Stanislavovich in 2000 graduated from the Akmolinsky Polytechnic College, specialty technician-technologist, in 2007 graduated from the Almaty Academy of Economics and statistics, specialty Bachelor of management.
      The labor activity of Denisov Alexander Stanislavovich began with the need for the dosage apparatus of the Stepnogorsk bearing plant (SPZ). “He continued to work for different needs in SPZ, as he moved to the Chemical Mining and metallurgical plant ZOA “”Kazsabton””.”
      Your labor activity in SSAP LLP Denisov Alexander Stanislavovich started from February 2006 with the obligation of an engineer to ensure the safety of Labor and related industries, as well as master’s estimates, technologist, deputy head of a small workshop, head sernokislotnogo shop.
      From October 29, 2019, the deputy director for the production of SSAP LLP was named.
      The state award of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Jubilee Medal “30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, as well as the Jubilee badge “25 years of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom”.