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On November 09, 2023, a meeting of the city commission was held in the Akimat of Stepnogorsk

On November 09, 2023, a meeting of the city commission on social partnership and regulation of social and labor relations was held in the Akimat of Stepnogorsk.
The following issues were considered on the agenda:
About the ongoing work on the introduction of a unified system of accounting for employment contracts at enterprises of the city of Stepnogorsk.
About the conclusion of collective agreements at enterprises and organizations of the city, safety and labor protection, prevention of accidents in production.
et al . questions.
Congratulations in honor of Labor Day were also held at the meeting. This holiday was established in our country in 2013 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of September. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan has established the republican contest “Enbek Zholy”, aimed at determining the best labor dynasties and production workers who have contributed to the development of the industry and the region.
Within the framework of the meeting, a solemn awarding ceremony was held for the winners of this competition, which was attended by employees of SSAP LLP in the nomination “The best mentor of working youth”:
Technologist of the sulfuric acid workshop, chairman of the trade union Ermagambetov Zhenis Kairzhanovich.
Nikiforov Maxim Aleseevich – Chief Programmer manager.

For their contribution to the development of production, the Labor Inspection Department of Akmola region, our employees were awarded Letters of Thanks. Congratulations to our colleagues and wish them good health and career growth!