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Report from SSAP LLP in the field of sustainable development of the Samruk-Kazyna Foundation

Environmental engineer of the 1st category of the Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Department of SSAP LLP Zhanabayeva Akbope Gabdulfaridovna was invited to the NWF of Samruk-Kazyna JSC (according to the letter of Samruk-Kazyna-Ondeu LLP ex. No. 267/11-16 dated April 07, 2023).
In the period from April 17, 2023 to April 21, 2023 inclusive, A.G. Zhanabayeva took part in the preparation, consolidation and verification of data for the report in the field of sustainable development of the Samruk-Kazyna Foundation. Zhanabayeva A.G. was provided with a Report from SSAP LLP.